Debugging with erl_crash.dump: A Practical Example from the FieldDebugging with an Elixir release? Learn to use erl_crash.dump — from application_controller to stack traces.Feb 1Feb 1
Published inLiving Documentation in ElixirKnowledge Sharing — Leading and Lagging IndicatorsThis series of blog posts is an extract from the script for my talk presented at ElixirConf 2021.Nov 9, 2021Nov 9, 2021
Published inLiving Documentation in ElixirPreventing Brain Freeze — Onboarding new developers with Living DocumentationThis series of blog posts is an extract from the script for my talk presented at ElixirConf 2021.Nov 2, 2021Nov 2, 2021
Published inThe CivilCode CollectiveHow CivilCode promotes civilized custom software developmentA major component of the work environment and company values that we want to create is centred around using a “civilized” approach.Jan 27, 2020Jan 27, 2020
Published inThe CivilCode CollectiveWhy software development isn’t a linear processSoftware development is called an empirical process because the requirements are expected to evolve.Nov 15, 2019Nov 15, 2019
Published inThe CivilCode CollectiveMinimizing the cost of context switchingDeveloping code carries an extremely high cost of context switching.Oct 18, 2019Oct 18, 2019
Published inThe CivilCode CollectiveHow we use pair programming to develop high quality softwareOne of the benefits of pair programming is that for complex code requiring many decisions, those decisions can be tested along the way.Feb 15, 2019Feb 15, 2019
Published inThe CivilCode Collective5 ways to be a powerhouse product ownerIn the software world, a product owner is someone who takes responsibility for the success of a project from the customer’s view.Oct 19, 2018Oct 19, 2018
Published inThe CivilCode CollectiveScale your business with custom softwareAnything that can be automated will save time incrementally as more people use the system.Sep 7, 2018Sep 7, 2018
Published inThe CivilCode CollectiveWhy software development starts with sticky notesOne of the reasons why Event Storming is so powerful is that it untangles the process from the solution.Aug 31, 2018Aug 31, 2018